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WONDER TWINS: Powers and Abilities

The Wonder Twins were two alien siblings from the planet Exxor. Arriving on Earth, they soon endeared themselves to the heroic team, the Super Friends, and acted as the team's official sidekick/mascosts for a brief duration.

source: CBM FightClub, Marvel.wikia, DC.wikia, Comicvine,com

Hydrokinesis: Zan possesses the ability to alter his biological structure to take on the form of water or ice. (On one occasion, he transformed himself into liquid nitrogen, but has never assumed any other chemical substance before or since then.) While in this form, he can increase or decrease his mass and volume to accommodate the proportionate size of the form he is attempting to emulate. The exact range of this ability is unknown, but Zan has demonstrated that he can increase his size sufficiently enough to transform into an ice giant. He can also condense his liquid volume without affecting his overall mass if he so desires. This allows Jayna, or even Gleek the ability to carry Zan's liquid matter in small containers such as a water pail. Zan can remain in any chosen form for an indefinite period of time without discomfort or undue strain on his person. He can form himself into naturally occurring forms of water, such as rainclouds or icebergs, or sophisticated structures and implausibly into functional machinery, such as an ice missle or ice jet. While assuming his various shapes, Zan always maintains full mental faculties and even possesses the ability to articulate while in liquid or ice formation. While in his liquid state, Zan likes to incorporate his own facial features onto the surface of his water form. Whether this is an automatic function of his powers, or something that Zan can do by force of will is unknown.

Aerokinesis: In the Super Friends, both the televised series and comic book adaptation, Zan demonstrated an added ability to transform into localized bodies of air - usually taking the form a of a tornado or a hurricane. In the television series, Zan has also been shown to transform into extremely localized weather patterns involving water, such as a blizzard or a typhoon.

Strength level

Average: Under Earth's gravity, Zan appears to possess the equitable strength level of a human male his age, size and weight who engages in moderate regular exercise. Whether his Exxorian physiology provides him with added physical strength while on other worlds remains unknown.


Zan's super-powers are contingent upon physical contact with his sister, Jayna. Direct flesh-to-flesh contact is required to prompt the transformation. Traditionally, this is achieved by one twin knocking their clenched fist against the opposing fist of the other. On one occasion, though, Gleek served as a bridge to allow Zan to have contact with his sister to activate his powers. Jayna is also fond of using spoken mantras while using her powers. Zan is also fond of using spoken mantras while using his powers. To activate their abilities, both siblings usually shout "Wonder Twin powers...activate!", followed by a secondary spoken command signifying a chosen form such as, "Form of... a Smoothie!" To switch back into his Exxorian form, Zan made physical contact with Jayna a second time, with either one or both of them exclaiming, "Wonder Twin powers... deactivate!" Whether this spoken mantra is necessary to activate the Wonder Twin powers or whether they do so out of choice remains unclear.


Metamorphosis: Jayna possesses the ability to shape-shift her body into any known animal form. The choice of form is not exclusive to Earth animals, but may also include animals from her home world of Exxor, even mythological animals, such as a winged horse. So long as Jayna can envision a specific animal in her mind's-eye, and is able to correctly name it, she can transform into it. While in a selected form, Jayna maintains full control of her mental faculties and is even capable of vocalizing her thoughts (regardless of whether the target animal is biologically equipped for speaking or not). The duration of Jayna's ability to remain in a chosen form is unknown.

Strength level

Under Earth's gravity, Jayna appears to possess the equitable strength level of a human female her age, size and weight who engages in moderate regular exercise. Whether her Exxorian physiology provides her with added physical strength while on other worlds remains unknown. When using her powers, Jayna briefly acquires the proportionate strength of the animal shape she is currently assuming. For example, were she to shape-shift into the form of a gorilla, her strength level would increase to that of an adult gorilla. Upon returning to her natural form, her strength level returns to normal.


Jayna's super-powers are contingent upon physical contact with her brother, Zan. Direct flesh-to-flesh contact is required to prompt the transformation. Traditionally, this is achieved by one twin knocking their clenched fist against the opposing fist of the other. On one occasion, though, Gleek served as a bridge to allow Jayne to have contact with her brother to activate her powers. Jayna is also fond of using spoken mantras while using her powers. To activate their abilities, both siblings usually shout "Wonder Twin powers...activate!", followed by a secondary spoken command signifying a chosen form such as, "Shape of...an iguana!" Her ability to assume an animal's form depended on her ability to name the animal. If she named the wrong animal, she would assume the wrong animal's form. To switch back into her Exxorian form, Jayna made physical contact with Zan a second time, with either one or both of them exclaiming, "Wonder Twin powers...deactivate!" Whether this spoken mantra is necessary to activate the Wonder Twin powers or whether they do so out of choice remains unclear.

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