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ODIN: Powers and Abilities

Odin is the All-Father of the Norse gods and ruler of Asgard. He is the son of Bor and the father of Thor, Vidar, Balder and adoptive father of Loki.

source: CBM FightClub, Marvel.wikia, DC.wikia, Comicvine,com
Odin possessed all the conventional attributes of an Asgardian God. However, as the King of the Asgardians, many of these attributes were significantly superior than those possessed by the majority of his race.

Superhuman Strength: In spite of his advanced age Odin was much stronger than most Asgardians, near the time of his death he could lift 60 tons, where an average Asgardian male can lift 30 tons, However at his peak during the time of the Celestials 3rd host on Earth, Odin could lift 75 tons, but in Odin's physical prime He could lift 100 tons. He's also able to augment his strength to even greater heights by tapping into the OdinForce.

Superhuman Speed: Odin, despite his age, was capable of running and moving at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete capable of speeds rivaling most superhuman's.

Superhuman Agility: Odin's agility, balance, and bodily coordination, were far superior to the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes: Odin's reflexes, were much more superior to the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Stamina: Odin's musculature produced considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a human, and most other Asgardians. As a result, he possessed superhuman stamina in all physical activities. He could exert himself at peak capacity for months before fatigue would begin to impair him.

Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Odin's skin, muscle, and bone tissues were about 3 times as dense as those of a human beings, this contributes, in part, to Odin's superhuman strength and weight.

Superhuman Durability: Odin's body was considerably more resistant to physical injury than the body of a human being, or even most other Asgardians for that matter. Odin's body was capable of withstanding great impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, falls from great heights, and powerful energy blasts from cosmic level beings without sustaining injury, however, though to what extent is unknown.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Like all other Asgardians it was possible to injure Odin, but he recovered from injury with superhuman levels of speed and efficiency, Odin was capable of regenerating massive tissue damage or loss to a degree far beyond that of most other Asgardians, even of being able to regenerate missing limbs and organs, faster and with much more efficiency. Odins healing powers were far superior to all other Asgardian Gods.

Extended Longevity: Odin, like all Asgardians, was extremely long-lived, although not truly immortal as some other god pantheons. However, Odin still aged at a pace much slower than human beings. He was also immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections.

Odinforce: Odin was capable of manipulating vast amounts of magical energy, referred to as the Odin Power, the Odin Force or the Odinsource, for a number of purposes. With this power, Odin was capable of feats such as transporting the entire human race to an alternate dimension, [15] casting foes into deep space with a thought[16], read minds from across even dimensions[17], projecting force blasts[18], manipulate matter for a number of purposes, erecting nigh impenetrable force fields, barriers which can shield entire cities,[19] altering size[20], endowing people or objects with powers [21][22][23], and compressing the population of an entire planet into a single being, namely Mangog.[24] Odin was highly skilled in the use of his powers during combat situations, and was able to casually knock around the Silver Surfer and Thanos simultaneously[25][18] and even put the Silver Surfer down in one simple blast when he got annoyed as he kept asking them to stand down but they kept attacking to no avail, as their attacks could not even phase Odin. Odin's power is such, that he was able to bring back both, Thor and Brunhilde back to life.[26] The power of the Odin Force is such that it can stop time itself, and allow one to travel through time[27]. He has taken away a soul from the demonic entity Mephisto[28] despite the latter's full power on a scale surpassing that of most members of the Council of Godheads; Odin's power is also believed to surpass Mephisto's, as Dormammu was considered the former demon's superior and claimed his own magic rivaled that of Odin's and Zeus's. Odin's full magical power is thus considered at the least equal to that of Zeus, Dormammu, Galactus and most every other deity of Earth that are not of the Elder Gods, such as Vishnu, as well as Agamotto. Dormammu held his own against both Oshtur's son and his disciple beyond his own native dimension. Odin's power was so vast, that when a part of Odin, his dark side bonded with the conceptual entityInfinity, went rogue, it was so large that it could crush planets in its grip as if they were pebbles, his mere limbs stretched as far as galaxies, Infinity was tearing away at the very fabric of the Universe, and if left unchecked would have ended all life and crushed the very Universe. Odin's battle with Infinity destroyed entire galaxies and countless worlds. When awoken from his trance by Thor, Odin swiftly got rid of Infinity and with one simple act was powerful enough to restore all the damage Infinity had caused across the Universe in moments[29]. Shortly afterwards, Odin was able to easily slay the virtually indestructible Hela, Asgardian goddess of death, in an attempt to stop her from claiming Thor's life and soul, and then instantly bring her back to life upon realizing her continued existence was necessary to maintain the natural order of Asgard. Odin was able to quickly overpowerAnnihilus (a virtually immortal being wielding a Cosmic Control Rod rendering him powerful enough to threaten the entire known universe) when the latter attempted to seize Asgard when its dimension intersected with that of theNegative Zone, after both Thor and the other Asgardians had failed in combat, [30][31] and is capable of destroying entire galaxies.[20] Odin's power is such, that it has stated that at his peak, it is equal to the likes of Galactus as Odin was able to render a hungry Galactus uncounscious right before the Odinsleep as proven in the comicTemplate:The Mighty Thor [32]. Even the ability to grant human beings the gift of immortality is within Odin's grasp, as Thor asked him to do for Jane Frost in order to marry her. Odin is also capable of placing multiple permanent enchantments on items, as he did for Mjolnir, lasting until he himself cancels them or they are overpowered by a superior enchantment.

Odin was so powerful that even while severely weakened, in his fight with Seth which was waged on every plane of existence simultaneously, the energy released from their battle was so powerful it shattered countless entire galaxies, reignited dying suns, and shook the very fabric of the Multiverse [33].

In battle Odin often carries the magical spear Gungnir ("The Spear of Heaven"), an artifact made of the mystical metal uru, that he uses to channel his personal energies, though possessing no abilities of its own; and the power scepter Thrudstok, a small mace. Odin also bears Draupnir (the "Odinring") as a symbol of supremacy, though its specific properties are as of yet unknown. He can manipulate energy for various effects, including projection of concussive force, creation of force shields, levitation, molecular manipulation of matter, matter-energy conversion, illusion-casting, and inter-dimensional teleportation. Odin, however, is not totally self-sufficient. Odin commands the life energies of the entire Asgardian race, and can absorb any and all of their life energies into his person at will, even to the point of restoring life to a dying Asgardian. While possessing power that is inherent opposed to the need for outward sustenance Odin must once a year undertake the Sleep of Life, also known as the Odinsleep - a state of deep sleep lasting for one 24-hour day to keep his powers from waning. During this time Odin is guarded closely as he is vulnerable. [34]

Odin is also a master tactician and schemer. In addition to feats such as preventing Ragnarok, [35] it has been revealed that Odin was planning for the arrival of the Celestial Fourth Host for centuries. [36][37] Odin's wisdom was such that he was able to ultimately thwart the eternal cycle of Rangnorak forever by sending Thor to Midgard as part of his secret plan to destroy the Asgardian cosmic entities known as Those Who Sit Above in Shadow. Even after Odin had perished fighting Surtur, his plan for his son succeeded and set all of Asgard free.

Odin occasionally travels using the enchanted ship Skipbladnir, which had several mystical properties in its sails and oars, such as enabling Odin to navigate the "sea of space." The ship can be mystically shrunk to the size of a fist. Odin also rides the eight-legged steed Sleipnir, who can fly through the air at incalculable speeds


God of Wisdom: Vast knowledge of ancient and arcane wisdom, considered to be his most powerful weapon.

Master Combatant: Odin was a master hand to hand combatant.

Master Tactician: His thousands of years of experience resulted in him becoming a master tactician which could possibly win him many battels.

Asgardian Mystical Combatant: Odin was also extremely adept at wielding his vast energy powers during combat situations. Odin was extremely skilled at using Asgardian magic, surpassing even that of Karnilla or the Enchanters, as well as the Sorcerer Supreme, weapons, and items.

Strength level

At his peak, Odin possesses sufficient strength to lift up to 75 tons, however in his physical prime he could lift about 100 tons. He's also able to augment his strength to an excess of 100 tons by tapping into the OdinForce.


Once every year, Odin was forced to under take the Odinsleep; a state of deep sleep where he recharged the Odinforce but left him as vulnerable as a mortal. The duration of the Odinsleep varied from time to time; sometimes it was a single night while other occasions were for more than a week. Odin has also claimed multiple times that love is the one emotion he has no control over, as it is the "universal equalizer" and permeates all beings, mortal or immortal. Despite his limitations and weaknesses, such as the need for the Odinsleep annually, Odin is nonetheless the most powerful mythological god still active today. After his son, Thor, surpassed him and gained his power, Thor’s strength exceeded even that of Odin, making him essentially the most powerful mythological god still active today, and Thor grows stronger daily through more and more training, knowledge and experience. Unfortunately Thor lost the Odin Force and the power of the Runes after his Rebirth, but the reason is yet unknown.

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