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HAWKMAN: Powers and Abilities

Hawkman is a winged vigilante who fights crime using a flight harness made from Nth metal and a mace. There have been several different versions of the character, along with love interests and partners such as Hawkgirl and Hawkwoman. His secret identity is Carter Hall, an archaeologist and museum curator who lives out his destiny as a reincarnation of the ancient Egyptian prince Khufu using magic weaponry. Katar Hol is another version who appeared during the Silver Age, an alien policeman from the planet Thanagar with access to advanced technology. The character has been involved with the Justice Society and Justice League. Hawkman was created by Gardner Fox and Dennis Neville, first appearing in Flash Comics #1. (1940)

source: CBM FightClub, Marvel.wikia, DC.wikia, Comicvine,com

Blessing: Carter Hall was a priest in a past life, and still possesses the ability to bless mundane objects. For example: By muttering a prayer in front of a building's sprinkler system, he was once able to convert the water into Holy Water in order to destroy a vampire.

Reincarnation: the Nth metal knife which murdered Hawkman in his original incarnation as Khufu had an unusual effect upon his soul and that of his lover Chay-Ara (Hawkgirl). The pair are locked in a seemingly endless cycle of death and rebirth throughout the centuries. While not a superhuman power per se, this propensity for reincarnation has allowed Hawkman to cheat death and return to active duty in his current incarnation.

Nth Metal Armor: After failing to burn his armor, Carter instead has gained the power to store his armor beneath his skin and manifest it whenever he needs it.


Weapons Master: Due to his multiple incarnations and having memories of all of his past lives, Khufu/Hall has become proficient in many types of weaponry. As a result, he is an expert with a wide array of archaic weapons from his past lives, including battle axes, maces, swords, spears and shields. As Nighthawk, he was a marksman with a pistol. In addition, Carter Hall is sometimes depicted handling futuristic technology. He has used a Thanagarian ship called "The Brontadon", and during the Rann-Thanagar War used Rannian hard-light armor. Hawkman is even depicted using technologically advanced laser weaponry in a possible future.

Reincarnated Knowledge: Due to his many lives and vast amount of experience, Hall is a brilliant tactician, fierce warrior, and strong leader. At the same time, however, he is extremely intelligent (considered a leader in his field of history and archeology) and expresses a deeply romantic side in relation to his beloved soul-mate. Often, Carter finds it difficult to balance between the "barbarian" of his past lives and the "gentleman" of his current incarnation.

Tactical Analysis






Curse: Every time he is born again he must wander the earth till he meets again with his eternal soul mate. But as soon as they form a deep bond, they are destined to be murdered again.


Artificial Feathered Wings: His wings, which are laced with Nth metal, allow him to control navigation and guidance during flight, though they can be "flapped" through use of shoulder motions.

Nth Metal Belt & Boots: Hawkman flies by way of an anti-gravity Belt & boots constructed from ThanagarianNth Metal its abilities are controlled mentally.

Nth Metal Enhancement: The metal is psycho-reactive, responding to its bearer's thoughts and in its base form has a number of electromagnetic/gravitational properties.

Enhanced Strength: Carters strength level is increased by the Nth metal. Carter is capable of ripping a car door of its hinges with little effort.

Enhanced Durability: Hawkman is able to withstand blows from superhuman opponents as powerful as Black Adam.

Enhanced Vision: observing objects at great distances or at speeds faster than can be perceived by the normal eye. (he can count the flaps of a hummingbird's wings)

Enhanced Minor Healing Factor: capable of mending all but the most serious of wounds.

Temperature Regulation: exposure to the Nth Metal allows him to regulate his temperature to withstand extremely cold temperatures.

Flight: ability to fly at speeds up to at least 200 MPH.

Energy Disruption: It has been revealed that Nth Metal can disrupt the very force drawn from the fabric of space/time. Kanjar Ro's sceptor generated this force but it could not affect Hawkgirl to any noticeable degree.


Archaic Weaponry: Hawkman has access to an entire arsenal of medieval weaponry. His favored weapons are the mace and flail.

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